Friday, March 25, 2005

An Intro...

So, for those of you who know me, this is repetitive, if you happened upon this blog by mistake (how the heck did you do that?) here's a little bit about me!

I am a law student, therefore I have no free time because I spend hours and hours a day reading, highlighting and having highly intellectual conversations. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing here, and then I remember it's because I have all the answers and what better profession to be a know-it-all in than a lawyer? I attend George Washington University Law School, which is a nice school, despite the fact that it's way too expensive and we don't get free transcripts.

This lack of free time has led to many bad things, such as not seeing friends that live 20 minutes away from me for months and not replying to e-mails promptly. Of course, this blog will only take up more time, but I promise I will only post during class. Posting during class will be a much more productive use of my time than actually paying attention since I think at least one of our professors is making up the stuff he's trying to teach us.

In light of everything above, I'm sure I will be complaining about law school, tourists in DC and anything that comes to mind on this blog. Feel free to reciprocate and comment on my ramblings! I love a good intellectual blog duel!


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