Friday, March 25, 2005

Hours of Endless Fun

So I've been sitting in the law school lounge for hours now, working on my oral arguments for tomorrow. I feel like I've wasted my day. But while sitting here I've had time to observe the law school culture. It's pretty limited on a Friday night, but so far I've heard a white chick say "whaddup" and "she's my girl, we're tight". This same person then insisted on playing Mariah Carey loud enough for the whole lounge to hearwhile she danced around a table.

Now I am not usually one to judge, seeing as I obviously have no social life either since I am still at school at 8:30 on a Friday night, but Mariah Carey??? Please take mercy on all the poor souls that you are sharing the lounge with. It's bad enough we all got bumped from classes and had to re-do our schedules.

So how boring do you think Adminstrative Law will be?? And do you think that taking Constitutional Law II at 8:50 is a bad idea? Well I thought all these things before and now I am stuck in these classes because I got bumped from the Con Law class at 10:00. Don't these people know that I am not functional in the morning???

While you're busy feeling sympathetic towards me I am finally going to head home to drink a martini and watch TV. I don't care about plea bargains and cross-examination anymore.

Oh, I should probably find a map, since I have no idea where I'm going tomorrow either.... this should be fun!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. friday night at school...what a loser!

7:49 PM  
Blogger Daughter of Shylock said...

Ah, but it's so much fun when there are other losers there with you too...

9:44 PM  

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