Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Look Out! It's the Feds!

So after 2 days of serving time with my summer employer, the federal government, I would like to say 1. It is scary that I have to stare at George W. every morning when I walk through security. 2. Now I know why everything having to do with the government moves very slowly.

I spent 4 hours monday morning at "orientation" which was geared towards new employees, so I tuned out for about 3 1/2 hours, then I was fingerprinted and sheparded into more buildings with the same beautiful pictures of W. I then promptly experienced the "We don't have your paperwork, come back in 3 days" part of the government. So for now I am a visitor and have to be escorted into the building, it's fun let me tell you.

Since they don't have any work for me to do yet I am working my way through a six inch binder of "orientation materials." It's educational [boring]. Hopefully next week they'll have something for me to do so getting up at 7 a.m. is actually worth the sleep deprivation. [see thursday's post to find out whether or not I actually make it to work after seeing Star Wars tomorrow night.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about your work situation - hope it gets better. Really just came to post and second your motion for a major Belated Law Day Celebration - because really, don't we owe it to ourselves to celebrate?

6:40 PM  

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