Thursday, May 12, 2005

Summer '05: Things Accomplished

Supreme Court.... check
Botanical Gardens.... check
Walk a mile.... check

Supreme Court tour: kinda boring unless you're 10 and really interested in the Supreme Court. I could've used the law student version of the lecture instead of the "How many branches of the government are there and where are they located?" You didn't really learn anything you couldn't get from reading Closed Chambers or any of the other books written by former clerks. But all in all it was nice to at least see the courtroom and hear a little bit about the architecture. I wasn't too awed by the building, maybe it's just because we really didn't see much, you're limited to the courtroom and some hallways, no chambers or private areas. I'm sure it's more exciting when there are arguments going on. Maybe I'll have to go back on a monday when they release decisions, at least I'll get to see a justice or two then.

Botanical Gardens: pretty cool, they've got lots of fun plants and flowers, but most had bloomed already, I'm sure it was much nicer earlier in the spring, but it was interesting to see all the different plants and some rare species. Plus it smelled like lillies. Always a bonus.

Walking a mile: yeah, we walked a lot today, but it's good for you. Guess I'll have to try to get out during lunch and walk around the mall for some exercise since I'll be taking the Metro to work and it drops me off 2 blocks away. I'm also going to have to get used to being somewhere by 8:30 in the morning. That may be pretty hard, class didn't even start that early this year! But I will get some reading done, taking the Metro to work this week has gotten me further through Bill Clinton's biography than I've read since I got the book the day it came out! It's a really long book! Plus reading law books for hours on end makes you really not want to read anything else.

OK so what's next for Summer '05 you ask? Midnight showing of Star Wars. Yes, I waited until today to buy tickets, but I still got them and we're going. That's wednesday though, I'm sure we can find something to do before then. What d'ya say guys?


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