Thursday, November 10, 2005

It Only Happens Once A Year

Turpis Causa is happy to bring you the brand new holiday slogan from Starbucks. Along with this new witty slogan comes the red holiday cups and the holiday drinks: the Fantastic Gingerbread Latte; the Indulgent Eggnog Latte; the Succulent Peppermint Mocha; and a New Fabulous Drink just for Holiday ’05: the Chai Eggnog Latte! Can you taste Christmas yet?!?

Considering the fact that today is November 10 and Christmas is easily 6 weeks away, even though “It Only Happens Once A Year” it seems like it lasts for a substantial portion of the year. Doesn’t seem so special anymore does it? I will give props to Starbucks for waiting until the second week of November to declare that the Christmas season has started, unlike Target, who started before Halloween. I say this of course, as I sip a venti gingerbread latte….. mmmmm. [yes, my addiction is severe. When I saw someone on the Metro this morning with the red cup I knew the holiday drinks were here, because they didn’t have them yesterday when they were out of the magic ingredients that go into a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I need to make friends with a local Starbucks employee who can hook me up with advance notice of these important events, just leaving it to chance isn’t safe.]

Now that Starbucks has reminded me that I am about a month behind in preparing for Christmas I am soliciting wish lists from all those who wish to be graced by the most lovely gift I can find for $10. Being a poor law student and having spent a ton of money on plane tickets this last month has shrunk my Christmas budget to about $0. So I promise to whore myself out for the next month or so to earn some money to buy each of my faithful readers a lovely Turpis Causa inspired gift. This said, you better send me a wish list or you’re all getting Scooter Libby’s book, I’m sure I could get a discount from Amazon for ordering a case of them!

In return I will think long and hard about what I want that doesn’t cost $500+ and grace my readers with an easier shopping experience, since you won’t have to ask “What the heck should I buy? I have no idea what she wants!” I know you’re all anticipating hearing about my materialistic wishes and wants. I can see the anticipation….


Blogger J. Carryll Thomas said...

Please don't send me Scooter Libby's book! I'll do anything! Since you're a poor law school student, I'll waive the gift-giving friendship requirement this holiday season. But you have to give me some gift ideas. Not just for you--for anyone. I can't afford to blow $700 on Christmas again this year. Stupid taxes.

10:00 AM  

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