Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Supreme Court is on Crack....

First they say cities can "take" your property if they decide a Pfizer plant is worth more to them than you are... (pre-Ls take notice, this will surely be on your Property exam next year)

Then they allow the 10 Commandments to be displayed in some government/public areas, but not in others... (separation of church and state? what was that?)

Next comes the decision saying it's OK for MGM to sue people who create file sharing software because the people using the software are infringing on some copyrights... (so software engineers who create something that can have legitimate uses can get sued when some people use it illegally? What MGM couldn't get enough money from the college students they sued?)

And just when you thought they were done, they decide to not take up the case of reporters who are being threatened with jail if they don't give up their sources... (1st Amendment? Did it get lost somewhere in the past 200 years?)

That's it... obviously someone needs to check out how many of the justices have Alzheimers...


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