Wednesday, June 08, 2005

What Can You Do When You Have Nothing To Do?

So, my Monday thru Friday job is pretty boring. I am really convinced that the federal government doesn't do anything, they just talk about doing stuff, then write some memos about doing stuff, but they never get around to actually doing anything.

Since I have nothing to do I spend a lot of time surfing the web, which is why reading the news today has left me with many questions.

1. Who can explain this to me?
Why is John Hinckley being allowed to go "home" for a week? Y'know if he had been tried and found guilty he would be in jail for the rest of his life, no happy visits with mom and dad. Just because he was let off for being insane doesn't mean he should get perks. Let him get the help he needs and pay his dues. He tried to kill the President to impress Jodi Foster! Somehow I don't think a trip to see mom & dad is an appropriate punishment.

2. Why is it that the government has up notices on its bulletin boards from 1997 & 2001? You would think that the person who posted the notice for the Expo in 2001 would have taken down the one about the workshop in 1997.

Why is the government lying about the environment? We all know it's fucked, it's not a big suprise. Don't they know that we still don't care? As long as the world doesn't explode while I'm still alive it's all good.

Wonder if I could answer these questions, or if the government propaganda I get over my work email every day means that federal employees are more in the dark than the general public?!?


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