Friday, April 01, 2005

Happy Hour

I just have to say that I miss the days of happy hour. That was one of the best parts about working full time. You could just go out after work, you didn't have to move your car, you could just walk to the bar. Inevitably it was pay day so you had some cash in your pocket and you were ready to drink away the stress from the week before.

Somehow, going to happy hour when you are a student is not the same. You aren't dressing like a whore to go to work because you know you are going out afterwards. No 40-something guys are buying you drinks because of the way you are dressed.

Happy hour was a time to relax and realize that you like the people you work with, no matter how shitty your job was. Happy hour was the perfect way to take advantage of those people who leer at you when you are walking to lunch. Happy hour was the best time to sit back and relax with a martini and still you were home early enough to get a good night's sleep, so you could go to work on Saturday (yes, I worked 7 days a week, I know I'm crazy).

While I enjoy going out with my law school friends (BTW L, V, and J you are all bums for blowing us off tonight) somehow it just isn't the same as going out and getting plastered after work. School is almost relaxing (and obviously no pay days, so not much cash in my pocket right now, also, where the heck are all the old guys I can prey on for free drinks?)

I guess I'll just have to wait 2 years until I get that lucrative firm job and then I can head back to the martini drinking crowd and the old guys buying me drinks...

For now, I lament the loss of the "true" Happy Hour.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait, are you saying that you dress like a whore now?? because if you are, i agree.

If not. um. this is awkward.

8:39 PM  

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