Sunday, August 14, 2005

Like Cancun, only not as nice and in Maryland...

But a mecca for tourists all the same! So Ocean City... fun place, if you're either 17 or 50. So being the ripe old age of 25 now it's lacking a little. I did pick up the mandatory shot glass and walked on the beach and went to some old people bars. Ocean City will forever be etched into my feet since I was silly and wore brand new shoes to walk around in, then took them off on the walk home, on the wooden boardwalk. Smart, huh? That said, been there done that, not sure I'd go back. I think I forgot that most beach towns were all cheesy tourist stores, umbrella rental stands and lots of little kids. I'm going to try to remember that in the future and lower my expectations, since I know I can't avoid the beach for the rest of my life!

Anywho, I should have some fun pictures soon to share, some of the very nice wedding we went to and some of a wooden ostrich... you had to be there.


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