Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A Trip Home…

So what can you accomplish in a 4 ½ day trip to Buffalo you ask? Well, since the point of going home for most Buffalonians is to eat their way through this beautiful city, that’s what I set off to do. I ate wings, and beef on weck, I had some seafood, some cheesecake, a trip to Tim Horton’s, two trips to Anderson’s, some great Greek, Chiavetta’s chicken… listing all this is making me hungry again! I love the fact that when you ask for hot sauce in Buffalo they bring you a bottle of Frank’s, the hometown favorite instead of Tabasco. Also, no one will look at you weird when you ask for malt vinegar for your fries.

I also managed to sneak in a celebration for my birthday, small, the number of 4 legged guests equaled the number of people, but appropriately fueled with alcohol. I’m pretty sure I drank my way through about a bottle of wine each day I was home, and I have an obscenely large bottle of Pino Grigio in my carry-on to share with my white wine drinking friends courtesy of my mother’s bf who just happens to manage a liquor store.

I avoided all forced networking attempts by my mother’s friends who know someone who knows someone in DC.

I took a trip to my undergrad to catch up with a friend who just got a cushy job there, nice office, state employee benefits. Now all I have to do is convince her that she can use the ridiculous amount of vacation time she gets to come visit me!

I saw the nursery for my friend’s baby-to-come, nothing like a whole room decorated in baby Mickey & Minnie, complaints about swollen feet and finding out how they induce labor when you’re overdue, to convince me that I don’t want kids, at least not my own. I could see adoption, same benefit, less messiness in the beginning. Besides, there’s enough overpopulation in this world, why not give a kid out there a home instead of adding to the mess just because they’re your own DNA?? Genetics is overblown.

What have I learned this weekend? That no matter how clean and nice you think a break up is going to be, it never happens. Two adults simply cannot part ways maturely.


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