Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Inflammatory?!? Who's inflammatory?

NEWS FLASH!! Previously unreleased "inflammatory" pictures of more prisoner torture at Abu Ghraib prison surfaced today in an Australian newspaper. Hmm. If they were inflammatory a couple months ago, why aren't they inflammatory now? I mean, it's not like we don't have enough riots or deaths or protests right now.

I'm all over freedom of the press and for the role of the press as the Fourth Estate. I guess my ire lies with the overuse of "inflammatory." Really, let's focus on what's important here and not blow stupid things out of proportion. For instance, Dick Cheney's little shooting accident. Now, we all know that I am the last person in the world who would defend anyone in the Bush administration. With that said, the White House Press Corps has just turned rabid. Now they're so bored they're willing to take anything and make a big issue out of it. Nothing prevented any of them from following Cheney on his vacation and getting the scoop. They're just mad it got reported by some podunk local reporter first. It was disclosed, in an appropriate amount of time, get over it. I mean it's not like he killed anyone (yet).


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