Monday, January 23, 2006

Seafood, the CFR & Abortion Protesters

...all walk into a bar.

Ok, not really. But they could have, right? Wouldn't that be fun?

You know your "Great Idea" for a birthday gift has tanked when the response is "I got your seafood. Thanks. I could tell what it was from the box." Correct me if I'm wrong, but A. gift wrapping fresh crab cakes seems to defeat the purpose of the the freshness and B. crab cakes are pretty cool gift right?!? I mean, I live kinda near Maryland, where they have good crab and my mother does not. Hence sending her some was very thoughtful and unique right? I don't know about you , but I would love it if people sent me food, especially gourmet food. That said, I can't wait to hear what she thinks about the flowers I sent her. "I got your flowers" (once again, not mine really, I just ordered them) "I could tell it was flowers since the florist delivered them, thanks." Yup, I can see another akward phone call where as yet another gift goes unappreciated. This is where I start to remember that my mother always said give a gift because it's thoughtful, not because you want to be thanked. I think she's extended this lesson about 20 years past its usefulness.

The CFR is my new best friend and the reason I will be blind by the end of the semester. Leave it to the government to print rules they want the public to abide by in 8 point font in a book that's about 6" x 4".

Nothing makes your Monday as exciting as riding the Metro with a bunch of abortion protesters. Even better when they're from out of town and have no idea how the Metro system works so that when they ask you for directions you have to avoid staring at the picture of the half aborted fetus on their lapel pin. What's even more amusing is the nun who got stuck in the door of the metro, swears loudly (it hurts to get slammed by those doors) and then immediately bursts out into prayer to make up for it.

I can't wait to see what the evening news has to say about the protests today. Yesterday they managed to find some girl who's profound thought on the issue was "I just can't imagine if my mom did that to me, so I'm striving to live my life and acheive all the things they weren't able to." Really? Who is this "they?" What if they were mass murderers or serial rapists? What if they were the next Pope? That girl is going to have a lot of majors in college and she's going to have personality issues later in life.

Happy Anniversary Roe v. Wade! You've made my commute this week that much more interesting.


Blogger J. Carryll Thomas said...

Next time, get your mom a giftcard to somewhere she hates because (1) she hates giftcards and (2) she hates places she hates. That oughta teach her gratefulness.

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can send me those crabcakes anytime - she obviously hasn't tasted them. She'll understand when she does

3:28 PM  
Blogger Nassim said...

One time i sent my dad flowers and a card on mother's day. that really got the point across.

1:43 AM  

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