Saturday, January 07, 2006

New Year's Revelations...

That’s right, no resolutions here, only me sharing things I’ve learned with you so you don’t make the same mistakes!

1. Never believe that air travel will be cheap, convenient and stay that way. I mourn the “death” of Independence Air.

2. No matter what they say, your parents want you to get married. Now.

3. Sometimes 3 bottles of wine at dinner are good for you. It’s a very educational experience. You learn a lot about the people you’re having dinner with.

4. Being poor sucks. Make sure you steal enough in the future to always keep your bank account in the black.

5. I don’t read enough for fun, so that when I go on a reading binge you get tired of it very quickly because you just read 6 books in 4 days.

6. Sometimes, it’s OK to be selfish in the Secret Santa game.

7. Champagne and tequila do not mix well together when consumed within 4 hours of each other.

8. I have a very serious caffeine addiction, and I pretty much keep the local Starbucks in business.

9. Buying yourself one fun toy is necessary every year at Xmas. Go ahead splurge (but see #4, splurge responsibly)

10. There is no limit on the number of times I can watch a Star Wars movie. None.

11. The book is always better than the movie.

12. Play more video games, you’ll be better at text messaging. It’s all about thumb dexterity. My new theory is that it will prevent early onset Alzheimer’s too.

13. Dogs are really a person’s best friend.

14. Sleeping for 14 hours a day is fun, but not really productive when you do it 10 days in a row.

15. I should blog more and so should you. I promise I will have at least one totally boring class this semester during which I can expel my angst and ennui into cyberspace.

16. Sudoku is the way to go.

17. Target really is the best store in the world, besides Wegman’s.

18. Your grocery store says a lot about your quality of life.

19. Sex is a necessity. Humans shouldn’t be deprived of it for long periods.

20. Ex-boyfriends never go away. No matter how much of a bitch you are to them. They never get the point. It must be genetic.

21. Law school is really just a form of torture you pay for, but it’s not fun, like hiring a dominatrix. At least you both get a kick out of that.

22. Buffalo will slowly sap any modicum of motivation out of you if you stay there too long. It’s a proven fact.

23. D.C. will slowly sap every last cent out of you the entire time you’re there. Also a proven fact.

24. I don’t believe in statistics, or proven facts.

25. You should always have more than a Frappuccino for lunch.

26. Taking down the Xmas tree is never as fun as putting it up.

27. If your friend emails you at least twice a week, you know you can count on them. Quantity of email is definitely a measurement of friendship.

28. You should always clean out your refrigerator & cupboard before going on vacation.

29. Smile when you don’t feel like. Sometimes it sticks.

30. No matter how tired you are don’t blow off breakfast with friends. It’s the most important meal of the day.

31. Take a lot of pictures whereever you go, it makes remembering things so much easier.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was a long list of revelations! and i agree with all...especially the dominatrix one. remember that one time....

12:35 PM  
Blogger J. Carryll Thomas said...

RE: #24: Forty-two percent of statistics are made up.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Lamplighter said...

Lol, nice list you got here. Btw, I used to work for Independence Air customer service but abandoned ship in late December. Who knows...I could have been one of the agents that handled your irate profanity-laced call when you called the 1-800 number about the cutting of destinations.
Life is about realizations. Good luck to you in '06.

2:52 AM  

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