Friday, March 03, 2006

Spring Break is for?

Relaxing right? That's good, because I'm pretty sure that's where my week is headed. So far during the first day of spring break, I've gone shopping because I thought my place needed a spring update and came home with 2 sweaters, placemats, candles, hangers, shelves, and Girl Scout cookies. I mean, what's spring without Girl Scout cookies??? I've got great plans for Spring Break, I'm going to hit up at least 3 art galleries and catch up on my "culture," I'm going to go to the Zoo to see the baby panda, I'm going to get a massage, I'm going to wander aimlessly around Georgetown just to see what's there, I'm going to go to Eastern Market. Long story short, I'm going to explore all the stuff in DC I haven't seen in the past year I've lived here.

Now, do you think I did any of this today? When the sun was out and it was almost not miserable to walk around outside? Oh no, the sweet call of TV and video games kept me indoors after my shopping excursion. I made a very impulse purchase a couple weeks ago, the Atari Collection for PS2, when I walked past a Sam Goody store that was closing. After playing about 6 different games in 20 minutes I've decided I missed the Atari craze when I was little. I'm from the Super Mario Bros. generation. I must be spoiled, there are better graphics on my cell phone than there are on this Atari collection. I think that when I used to play Snood on my TI-83 in high school it looked better. Give me Tekken 4 any day of the week. The fake violence is calming and mindless. I miss the days when you could just sit in front of the TV and play video games until your eyes hurt. Admittedly this only occurred when I had a full-time job, not when I was in school. But now I've got a whole week to ruin my eyesight!

It's now 10:30 on the first night of my week off and I'm completely bored. Good thing I'm going to work tomorrow! That'll give me something to do! Wait you say, aren't you on spring break? Why yes, I am, but you know me, I am psychologically incapable of taking an entire week off from school and work. Thus I am working 4 out of the 10 days I don't have to be at school. That's not too bad is it? I mean, it's less than half of my break right? And right after that I'll get back to my cultural education!!


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