Save Phil!

According to CNN, Republicans are out to get the fillibuster. The Democrats are wisely threatening to fillibuster two of the president's conservative choices for federal judge positions. Of course, now the Republicans are threatening to change the rules so that fillibusters can't be used to block judicial nominations, they want the nominations to be approved by a yes or no vote, which would let judicial nominees squeak through with a majority vote.
While I agree that a yes or no vote seems more civilized than reading the phone book for hours on end or standing at the podium attacking a judicial nominee on every little thing they've done, I think we should have some respect for a time honored tradition. The fillibuster is something every high schooler learns about and dreams of one day accomplishing. Just listening to yourself talk for hours on end, not letting anyone interrupt. A person could really get some ideas out there.
Besides, once the Republicans figure out they can change the rules don't you think that would lead to mass chaos? Pretty soon Tom DeLay's face will be stamped on our currency and Bill Frist's picture will be on every waiver you sign saying you can never sue a doctor. Then we'll have Alberto Gonzales personally review every immigration application so he can find the terrorists. Ah, the perfect world is so close, yet so far...
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