Sunday, April 10, 2005

Today's Complaint...

May it please the Court... go to hell. Warning! This post may sound very disgruntled and self promoting.

So Moot Court competition Round 2 today. Great fun, I was prepared, I got up early, I remembered to eat something this time. Then I got the judges from Looneyville. Everything went fine during my argument. Then it came to feedback time. Crazy judge #1 said I didn't refer to case law enough, apparently he didn't hear me say "The Supreme Court has held" about every other sentence. Then he didn't understand the point of my rebuttal, apparently "This case is about the constitutional right to a fair trial and the right to confrontation that is inextricably tied to that." wasn't very clear. Nor was I clear when I said" the government focuses on the jury being able to make a discriminating appraisal of the witnesses credibility, however, that simply is not the case. The jury in Ms. Sinclair's case was never able to make an educated decision about the witness' credibility or bias since cross-examination was limited." Even better, crazy judge #2 said I had good poise, and that it was amazing that I was calm, but I was too calm because during my rebuttal I had my hands clasped behind my back. That is too relaxed. Next time I will just talk with my hands and reach out and smack the judges when they ask stupid questions!!! Needless to say that after I waited around 2 1/2 hours I found out I didn't make it to Round #3. Oddly enough, I think getting booted in Round #2 is the worse. At least if you were out after Round #1 you had a free Sunday, getting booted after Round #3 wouldn't be bad either, at least you had a chance to make it to the end, you were in the top 20% of people competiting. Getting booted after Round #2 made me take a day off from work, waste more than half my day at school waiting for results on who moves on, then finding out that a bunch of people who I have no respect for made it to Round #3.

WTF is going on here? I would also like to note that when the list of people that make the Board comes out tomorrow I am going to be pissed. While I realize that making Moot Court is not the most important thing in the world, it is just about the only thing I have right now. I've got crappy grades, no summer job, no chance at getting on journal, and now no Moot Court. So all my hopes are hinging on Mock Trial next weekend, which should be fun, considering that I haven't taken evidence and I just wrote my questions tonight for cross-examination. Just give me something to put on a resume, or I'm going to have to start lying. I really may end up with a major in "Science" if it will help me get a job.

Also, congrats V on making it to Round 3, I know you will make it on the Board!!


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