Monday, April 18, 2005

So Much To Catch Up On!

Ok, so I've slacked off and haven't posted in a week, but I have a really good reason or two! I promise!

Excuse #1: Mock Trial: Once again, I put a lot of time and effort into something related to law school and failed miserably. I have now officially learned my lesson, I will be happy just being a B student and I'm going to have a lot of fun in my free time since I won't have an extracurricular activities to worry about!

Excuse #2: Complications: The BF was here this weekend and he doesn't know about this blog! Shhh... it's a secret!

Excuse #3: My OCD: Failed attempts at studying all week just lead to my apartment getting really messy. Which led to me cleaning it, only to trash it again this weekend when I didn't have 30 seconds to think much less clean.

Excuse #4: Spring is here: The weather is beautiful, so I've been spending a lot of time outside, where there isn't any internet!

Excuse #5: Apartment hunting: After seeing the first place with a "little" water in the basement [read standing water, a puddle really] the place we saw today was really nice! I can have my grill, and do a little gardening. Ah the simple things in life.

Excuse #6: End of School: Finals are next week so I have started to buckle down, well really I've just been thinking about it and have decided that it might be a good idea if I got around to outlining and studying.

Excuse #7: Gift for our Dean's Fellow: Why am I always in charge of the group gift? Honestly, it never works out for the person who has to go get it, wrap it, and then present it. [P.S. You still owe me $10, you know who you are]

Excuse #8: Work: So, since I'm staying here for the summer, I need to work a lot to pay rent in the ridiculously overpriced city I live in. I have officially caved in and told my crappy retail job that I would work full time once finals were over. I am sure this will lead to many posts about how much I hate my job.

That's about it, I only have 8 excuses, I was going for 10, but I ran out! I'm sure there are s'more reasons why I can't get anything done, but obviously spending time blogging is one of them!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse #9: Slacking is just so much more fun than being productive.

Excuse #10: As future Ruler of the Universe, you have a lot of things to add to your to-do list when you ascend the throne.

--H in the 'Lo

9:45 AM  
Blogger Daughter of Shylock said...

When I am the Ruler of the Universe I am going to outlaw homework and all things related to law school. That way I will have unlimited time to goof off. Just you wait and see!

9:40 PM  

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