Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Are You On The List?

Question: What is the etiquette or rule for keeping ex-boyfriend's information in your address book? While compiling my Xmas card list today I couldn't figure out who I should erase. Would I ever need to speak to them again? Should I keep their number in case the police need it in the future? What about numbers of their family members? Also useful in the future for the police, FBI, etc. This wouldn't be a problem if I had a little black book. Unfortunately I am limited to my general purpose address book, which is running out of room and I don't feel like buying extra address sheets, then I would have to erase & re-alphabatize everyone. Who knew a Xmas card list was so complicated? Along with the ex-boyfriend address dilema, I also can't decide who I should cut off my Xmas list. Is it enough that I didn't get a birthday card from them? Or should I go back to last Xmas? What if I sent a card, and they obviously sent one only in reply, not in the spirit of the season? [come to think of it, this covers a good third of my family, hmm...] Anyone with a Miss Manners rulebook please pass along the card etiquette portion.

Ambitious Goal: Did you know that this is my 78th post? What the heck? I really had that much to say? So my new goal is to get to 100 by the end of the year. Of course this means 22 more posts in the next 32 days. I'm going to have to get crackin' no slacking like I have been. Screw finals. It's all about the blog!

Buyer's Remorse: I bought the new Madonna CD in a fit of Black Friday frenzied shopping. Right now it's a coaster. I like Madonna, but the new CD is crap. All the songs sound the same and the music video for Hang On isn't inspiring at all. Madonna certainly gets props for appearing in a very 80's like pink leotard and leg warmers, but really, I liked her better angry and socially conscious. She's no Bono, but she is Madonna, and normally that's good enough for me.

What I should be doing right now instead of blogging: teaching myself copyright; outlining communications law; discovering the answer to all administrative law questions [I missed that day of class]; memorizing more Constitutional law [at this point, I'm more qualified than Harriet Meiers]; and finally figuring out what the heck patent law is about. But my readers are very important to me, so I blog on.


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