Saturday, March 11, 2006

Reflections on Accomplishing Nothing

Spring Break is over and what have I accomplished?

Let's review my goals:
Catch up on school work - not accomplished
Visit 3 art galleries - done!
See the baby panda at the zoo - not accomplished
Get a massage - not accomplished
Wander around Georgetown - not accomplished
Go to Eastern Market - not accomplished

Bottom Line: Spring Break was a bust. I spent a lot of the week in malls and hung over. Which I guess also means I spent a lot of time drinking too. Leading to a rumor that I am drunk 14 hours out of the day on a regular basis. Apparently I will be subjected to random sobriety tests when school starts again on Monday. Of course I did sleep a lot, which was necessary. Otherwise I might have had that nervous breakdown you're all taking bets on. Tomorrow I will study. I promise. There will be no leaving the house until I've caught up in at least 2 classes. [Unless of course, it's beautiful outside again and I have the urge to spend more money!]


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