Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Life Lessons #7839

I learned a bit about myself this past weekend and I know you're all dying to know, so I'm going to share.

I am not a keg party kinda girl. I can bullshit my way through any cocktail party, but take me out of my element and I'm back in 1st grade where I sat in the corner and was quiet so I didn't get in trouble. This was actually precipitated by getting detention my first day of first grade because I got tricked into swearing and was immediately told on. Funny how that lead to years of me being the quiet little girl in back row, swearing under my breath at the stupid teacher.

I am ready to be swept off my feet, and I'm not settling for anything less. I'm 25 dammit. After years of dating guys because it was fun to have a boyfriend, I'm ready to date someone I'm in love with. I don't have much patience for guys now. Either they get it or they don't. And I'm not waiting around for them to figure it out.

Despite my NY sensibility and deep rooted sense of self-assuredness, I do not like walking alone to find a cab at 1 AM. I also do not enjoy being shushed by a cab driver, that's just ridiculous. If you don't want me to tell you where I live, then you better have some extraordinary ESP skills. If not, you're not getting a tip for being rude to me.

I intensely dislike 1Ls. It was bound to happen, and dealing with a bunch of them as summer interns where I've already been interning for 6 months is starting to get on my nerves. By the end of the summer they better wisen up or I'm going to slap at least one of them.

I'm sure this will be a summer of revelations, so stayed tuned to me figuring out what you already know about me, and were just afraid to tell me. I promise I'll tone down the death stare, unless of course you're being stupid, in which case I'll just swear at you under my breath. I've gotten pretty good at it in the last 20 years!


Blogger J. Carryll Thomas said...

You could always find true love at Wegman's. Maybe in the sushi section.

7:06 AM  

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