Monday, April 10, 2006

Protestors put me in a bad mood.

I almost told someone on the Metro today to take the First Amendment and shove it. Then I looked at the very large flag on the very large pole he was carrying and I thought I should avoid a confrontation. I can't imagine getting beaten with a flag pole is an enjoyable experience.

First of all, who organizes a protest that lasts less than 2 hours? WTF? The immigration protest was supposed to start at 3:30 today and by the time I left work today people leaving the protest were flooding the Metro. To top this wonderful development off, Metro had turned the escalators off, so I had to pick my way veeeerrrryyy slowly down the stairs following children and old people who simply did not understand that this was rush hour and I needed to be somewhere. I don't know enough about the new immigration law to say anything thoughtful, but obviously it's not that big of a deal if the protest only lasts an hour and a half. They won't even get live coverage on the evening news!

Reassuringly however, there was a large security presence in the Metro station, which was nice to see since I've adopted an irrational distrust of everyone on the Metro this week. It's spring break and protest time so the Metro is filled with tourists and idealists. Neither of whom understand that people just trying to get back and forth to work take the Metro, that it isn't a tourist attraction, and we aren't amused by your children swinging around the poles and falling over.

Look at that, I've turned into a jaded Washingtonian! I'm going to take this new irritated, annoyed and better than you, what the hell are you doing on my Metro attitude with me everywhere I go this week just to see how many tourists I can convince that Washingtonians are rude.


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