Monday, August 28, 2006

The South is Charming....

I think. Nice place to vacation, but small town, fried food America is not a place I'd like to live. I survived a week at the beach in North Carolina with minimal sunburn and the most relaxation I've had in years. I did enjoy the fact that the hardest decision I had to make all week was what bathing suit to wear to the beach. Nothing like waking up insanely early only to realize (a) you don't have to get up; (b) you could get up and go to the beach; or (c) you could go back to sleep, the beach will be there later.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some country music, and some seafood, but by day 4 my body was craving Starbucks. Not just coffee, specifically Starbucks. No amount of breading on food can take the place of Starbucks. I have a serious chemical dependency and cold turkey is not the way to go about breaking it.

The beach was an absolutely wonderful place to vacation. Limited commercialism, limited hoochie mamas in bikinis, lots of ocean and sand and birds. Fun things to take pictures of. I got to read magazines all week instead of law books and rarely touched my lap top [yes, I still took it with me, I know it's pathetic].

I heartily recommend a week at the beach for everyone, it's restorative. I think I'm going to schedule a week at the beach every summer for myself. Anybody in for Beach Week '07?


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