Monday, April 04, 2005

There Has to be Something Else Going on in the World

OK, this is going to make me sound jaded, and I am definitely going to hell for this but....

There is other news besides the stupid dead pope!

C'mon people, the guy is dead, pay your respects and bury him. Does every newscast and every news website have to be devoted to him?

Don't you realize that other things are going on? For instance:

30 people were killed in a massacre in Rio de Janeiro. The suspects are quite possibly police that are disgruntled some of their own were arrested for dumping two bodies. BTW, Rio de Janeiro has one of the world's highest murder rates... perhaps due to the fact that agents of the government keep killing the citizens....

146 people have died from an Ebola like outbreak in Angola....

A librarian at Harvard lost her law suit that claimed she was passed over for promotions because she was just a pretty girl.... (she's 40, can you still be a pretty girl at that age?)

Kyrgyzstan's leader has resigned, finally.

Canadians are still hunting seals, and instead of humanely killing them, they club them over the head and while many are still alive, skin them. Damn Canadians... what is wrong with these people?

Yitzhak Rabin's grave has been defaced, along with other gravesites of famous Israeli figures.

Last but not least...
The "Royal" Wedding has been postponed to accomodate the pope's funeral. Why do they call Camilla "Mrs. Parker Bowles"? Really, she isn't a "Mrs" but she will be again on Saturday!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

NEWSFLASH: Pope still dead! Film at 11.

7:28 AM  

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