Back to School...
Ah, the first day of school. New books, new laptop, new professors and different people in every class! So exiciting! So far I have 100% attendance. Pretty good. Of course it was only the first day, but to be fair, I did have five classes today. If I was a weaker person I would have skipped one or at least napped through the three classes where the powerpoint slides will be posted online after every class. I love powerpoint, or more accurately professors who use powerpoint. Nothing like being too lazy to switch up the syllabus now and then, why bother when you already have slides for every lecture? I wonder why the professors don't care that we now have a free pass to play solitaire or IM during class. They can't be naive enough to think that if we know the powerpoints are online that we will actually pay attention and/or take notes. On a more personal note, while my schedule rocks due to some creative rearranging last semester, reading for 5 classes 3 nights a week does not. Either I will be at school late or become lazy and start driving to school so I can bring 5 books home. In any event, I am exhausted and it's only 9:30. I still have two more classes to read for!! Apparently I will be spending some time this weekend speed reading a week's worth of stuff for at least 3 classes. Brilliant. Perhaps the best part of today was the professor who wore a seersucker suit with a red bowtie today. Very Tucker Carlson. This may just be me, but I think seersucker suits are only appropriate for gracefully aging men about 50 or so. They just look silly on anyone else, hence my 30 something professor looked very stuffy and uncomfortable. I hope he didn't spend a lot of time planning what he was going to wear today. I also can't believe that his wife let him out of the house looking like that. It will be interesting to see what he wears tomorrow. More importantly, what am I going to wear tomorrow?!? We're having some typical DC weather, hot and humid, very pleasant during the 15 minute walk uphill to the Metro. Of course school has decided that it needs to be 55 degrees inside since it's hot outside. Our lack of a properly working dryer is severely impairing my clothing options. I just don't have the patience to wait 5 hours for my jeans to dry. Wonder if I could pull off a formal dress at school? At least I know those are clean! That said, now that school has started I will be back to blogging regularly instead of studying. I expect some comments people! Where's the love?
It's a Girl!
Announcing the birth of Mya Nicole! Weighing in at 6lbs 10ozs Ms. Mya was born at 5:20 p.m. on Sunday August 14! Welcome beautiful baby! It's so exiciting to be an "aunt"!
Like Cancun, only not as nice and in Maryland...
But a mecca for tourists all the same! So Ocean City... fun place, if you're either 17 or 50. So being the ripe old age of 25 now it's lacking a little. I did pick up the mandatory shot glass and walked on the beach and went to some old people bars. Ocean City will forever be etched into my feet since I was silly and wore brand new shoes to walk around in, then took them off on the walk home, on the wooden boardwalk. Smart, huh? That said, been there done that, not sure I'd go back. I think I forgot that most beach towns were all cheesy tourist stores, umbrella rental stands and lots of little kids. I'm going to try to remember that in the future and lower my expectations, since I know I can't avoid the beach for the rest of my life! Anywho, I should have some fun pictures soon to share, some of the very nice wedding we went to and some of a wooden ostrich... you had to be there.
A Trip Home…
So what can you accomplish in a 4 ½ day trip to Buffalo you ask? Well, since the point of going home for most Buffalonians is to eat their way through this beautiful city, that’s what I set off to do. I ate wings, and beef on weck, I had some seafood, some cheesecake, a trip to Tim Horton’s, two trips to Anderson’s, some great Greek, Chiavetta’s chicken… listing all this is making me hungry again! I love the fact that when you ask for hot sauce in Buffalo they bring you a bottle of Frank’s, the hometown favorite instead of Tabasco. Also, no one will look at you weird when you ask for malt vinegar for your fries.
I also managed to sneak in a celebration for my birthday, small, the number of 4 legged guests equaled the number of people, but appropriately fueled with alcohol. I’m pretty sure I drank my way through about a bottle of wine each day I was home, and I have an obscenely large bottle of Pino Grigio in my carry-on to share with my white wine drinking friends courtesy of my mother’s bf who just happens to manage a liquor store.
I avoided all forced networking attempts by my mother’s friends who know someone who knows someone in DC.
I took a trip to my undergrad to catch up with a friend who just got a cushy job there, nice office, state employee benefits. Now all I have to do is convince her that she can use the ridiculous amount of vacation time she gets to come visit me!
I saw the nursery for my friend’s baby-to-come, nothing like a whole room decorated in baby Mickey & Minnie, complaints about swollen feet and finding out how they induce labor when you’re overdue, to convince me that I don’t want kids, at least not my own. I could see adoption, same benefit, less messiness in the beginning. Besides, there’s enough overpopulation in this world, why not give a kid out there a home instead of adding to the mess just because they’re your own DNA?? Genetics is overblown.
What have I learned this weekend? That no matter how clean and nice you think a break up is going to be, it never happens. Two adults simply cannot part ways maturely.
Who Elected This Guy?!?
So first he takes off on another vacation, the man has more time off than anyone I know, and he has one of the most important jobs... don't you think that being the president would mean that you would have less free time?? The man has taken more vacations than I ever hope to accrue in my lifetime! Perhaps if he spent more time actually working instead of running people over on his bike we'd see some real progress in this country, although progress to the right would be bad, so maybe we should take up a fund to send Bush on an extended vacation, hmm... maybe to the Sudan or Sierra Leone...
Then he opens his mouth and says "intelligent design", which to me is just creationism in disguise, should be taught to students. And leave it to a Democrat to come up with the best quote: "People might cite George Bush as proof that you can be totally impervious to the effects of Harvard and Yale education." said Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.). Wonder what Larry Summers would say about that? Poor W, all that education and he still has to ask Karl Rove how to spell "leak."