Tuesday, December 20, 2005

For A Good Time...

Call on the guys from Jib Jab... gotta love their latest Bush cartoon.

On the other hand, I was pretty popular today, so maybe my number is on the inside of a bathroom stall somewhere. My phone rang incessantly today. Always Virginia numbers, but no one I know. On one instance, someone called, then 30 seconds later called again and left me a 5 minute long rambling message in Spanish. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that when you get my voicemail, it's pretty easy to tell I'm a white girl and do not speak a lick of Spanish.

If only these people were calling to offer me a ton of cash, or a job I could only dream of. That would really make my day. But random people calling and hanging up without leaving a voicemail? What's up with that? At least leave me a joke or a holiday message, make it worth your effort to dial, you can always brighten someone's day with a good joke.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Better late than never, or is it?

"I know that some of my decisions have led to terrible loss -- and not one of those decisions has been taken lightly. I know this war is controversial -- yet being your president requires doing what I believe is right and accepting the consequences. "

"It is true that many nations believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. And as your president, I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq."

- George W. Bush, December 18, 2005.

Really? Y'don't say. So essentially you decided to occupy another country based on a lot of bad intelligence. Only it's taken you how long to admit it? Over 2,000 people had to die before you would half-apologize? Didn't your mother teach you better than that? Oh, wait, I forgot... guess the Bush legacy marches on.

Seriously, bring Clinton back. Either one of them. Their apologies were about much more interesting things, and with much less of a morbid consequence.

It's the end of the world as we know it...

and I feel fine. Mostly because another hellish semester of law school is over. I now have a complete 3 (gasp!) 3 whole weeks to make resolutions about how next time I won't leave all my studying and outlining to the last minute; how I will be a better law student and be nice to people in my classes; and to attend class, even when I don't feel like it. After those 30 seconds are up and completely disregarded as a hallucination I will promptly spend the next 3 weeks forgetting that I am a law student. This most likely involves reading books for fun, something I haven't done in a long time and watching a lot of TV, something I pretty much do already. If I'm a good student, I will endeavor to read trademark law while I'm home, so that when I skip class it's because I know more than the guy teaching it. Seriously, I'm going to be a good student next semester!

And yeah! Going home for the holidays! Nothing like heading up north for Xmas. Can't beat being snowed in, or the wind chill being negative 1,000. Of course, nothing could possibly be easy about going home for the holidays, since it seems that I am going to have to rearrange my flight back to Virginia since Independence Air is dropping its service to Buffalo the day before I'm supposed to fly back. This obviously involves a phone call to customer service tomorrow, which is going to put me in a great mood right before going to work. More to come on this...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I am... so... cold...

Why the fuck is it 10 degrees in DC right now? Doesn't Mother Nature realize this is the South? And that it should be at least 40 all throughout December? Damn winter. It's finals time I can't deal with cold weather at the same time. I've got enough stress trying to learn what I've blown off since August. Yeah, I know, I'm a law student and I should know better. But we all know that's not going to happen. Since grades no longer matter (no more journal competition!) as long as I pass, I can handle it. Of course, walking into your exam with the 16 pages of notes you took and the 15 page outline you made of those notes is not always a good idea. Somehow I hope I wrote enough on today's exam to squeak out a B. Just a B that's all I ask. I know the kid who left at 4 today did not get a B.

Huh, I should stop drinking after exams, I seem to be a little less self-involved and whiny when I'm sober...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Only 24 Shopping Days Left Until Xmas!

The madness of it all... Christmas is definitely going to get out of hand around here if one of my roomates doesn't stop me soon.

I was being a good law student, all studying and outlining and learning. But now it's gone to hell. We got a Xmas tree today, and now all I can think about it how many square inches of our townhouse I can cover in Xmas decorations. Tastefully of course.

I'm going to have to work on my self-restraint. My promise to stay away from Starbucks already got broken. I'm going to have to make up for that somehow. I'll punish myself tomorrow by devoting more time to outlining Admin Law. That's definitely a harsh punishment. Does anyone out there really care about how due process affects separation of powers and separation of functions within an administrative agency? I didn't think so. Me neither, which is making studying for this final very difficult. I can't wait until I get to patent. I'm f'd in that class. I'm going to have to console myself with a lot of spiked egg nog after that exam. But for now I just have the smell of fresh Xmas tree and some Xmas decoration to stare at every which way you turn. Ahh... the holidays.