Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Oh to be a pre-L again...

This is very amusing. The incoming class for GW has made their own "alternative" portal. Instead of using the school created website, they've gone rogue. Too bad their alternative website is as boring as the school one. Don't any pre-Ls have any imagination? I guess I shouldn't say much since now I'm addicted to logging on to their site and taking them down a peg or two. Oh August is going to be so much fun!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Supreme Court is on Crack....

First they say cities can "take" your property if they decide a Pfizer plant is worth more to them than you are... (pre-Ls take notice, this will surely be on your Property exam next year)

Then they allow the 10 Commandments to be displayed in some government/public areas, but not in others... (separation of church and state? what was that?)

Next comes the decision saying it's OK for MGM to sue people who create file sharing software because the people using the software are infringing on some copyrights... (so software engineers who create something that can have legitimate uses can get sued when some people use it illegally? What MGM couldn't get enough money from the college students they sued?)

And just when you thought they were done, they decide to not take up the case of reporters who are being threatened with jail if they don't give up their sources... (1st Amendment? Did it get lost somewhere in the past 200 years?)

That's it... obviously someone needs to check out how many of the justices have Alzheimers...

Monday, June 20, 2005

I should be in bed...

It's 10:00 p.m. I should be asleep. I have to get up early tomorrow. See what working for the government has done to me? I can only write sentences with less than 10 words and I'm crabby. This said, I only have 30 second blurbs of commentary today instead of my usually rambling dialogue, but you get the point...

I've gone from having no work to do for a month and now I have three projects, which have open deadlines, so of course I'm not actually doing anything to finish or even start them! I think I am a model government employee.

On a happier note I am heading up to the Great North this weekend for my friend's baby shower. I would like to note to all my friends who are planning on getting knocked up in the future, please please please find out the gender of your child, it makes shopping a lot easier for everyone involved. The suprise isn't worth it. You'll be suprised about enough things later in your child's life. Let's start out with a little certainty.

Why the heck is Jeb Bush getting involved in Terri Schiavo's case again? She's gone, the autopsy reports are out, what good is digging around in 20 years of medical records going to do? Doesn't Florida have better things to spend money on, like their foster care system which "loses" some children every year?

Heaven & Hell is officially the best club I've been to in DC. Side note, why is it that none of the hot guys hit on you at a club? Why is it the creepy touchy feely guys? Do all you hot guys think you're too good to hit on us? Or is it just a lack of confidence? It is NOT flattering to be groped by a bunch of creepy, greasy, non-English speaking guys. Blech.

Ah... Chuck Schumer. Chuck is a good man, nothing like taking on identity theft as an issue. He knows how to pick his issues. Obviously coming out against it and proposing sanctions against companies that lose information is a win-win situation. Now, can he beat back the lobbyists? My money's on Chuck, I think he can do it.

That's it, I give up on being coherent. Eventually I will get back to post again, when I find a day that I am not working 13 hours or exhausted. Ah... bed. You are my best friend!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I Hate the Metro

So, for two days in a row I have been on a Metro train for over an hour on the way home. Now mind you, I don't have a short ride to begin with. It's about a 30 minute ride, but for some reason the Metro has been screwed up during rush hour the past two days, which does not make for a very happy commute; especially when you're packed on a train with a TON of people. Damn public transportation. I'm not a fan to begin with, I miss my car! Tomorrow better see some improvement or I just might flip out on the smelly guy next to me who keeps sniffling and stepping on my foot. Wow, I am turning into a disgruntled federal bureaucrat. Excellent...

What Can You Do When You Have Nothing To Do?

So, my Monday thru Friday job is pretty boring. I am really convinced that the federal government doesn't do anything, they just talk about doing stuff, then write some memos about doing stuff, but they never get around to actually doing anything.

Since I have nothing to do I spend a lot of time surfing the web, which is why reading the news today has left me with many questions.

1. Who can explain this to me?
Why is John Hinckley being allowed to go "home" for a week? Y'know if he had been tried and found guilty he would be in jail for the rest of his life, no happy visits with mom and dad. Just because he was let off for being insane doesn't mean he should get perks. Let him get the help he needs and pay his dues. He tried to kill the President to impress Jodi Foster! Somehow I don't think a trip to see mom & dad is an appropriate punishment.

2. Why is it that the government has up notices on its bulletin boards from 1997 & 2001? You would think that the person who posted the notice for the Expo in 2001 would have taken down the one about the workshop in 1997.

Why is the government lying about the environment? We all know it's fucked, it's not a big suprise. Don't they know that we still don't care? As long as the world doesn't explode while I'm still alive it's all good.

Wonder if I could answer these questions, or if the government propaganda I get over my work email every day means that federal employees are more in the dark than the general public?!?

Monday, June 06, 2005

Long Time No See...

Oh blog, how I have missed you. But in the past two weeks I have been busy, I know it sounds like nothing but excuses... but really, I promise I was thinking about you!

So what's happened in two weeks you ask? Well, I moved, yes for almost two weeks. I have a lot of stuff! So that means numerous trips back and forth from one place to another, lots of moving boxes and crates.... it was fun. Especially since none of the people, except one, who told me they would help me move were actually here to help.

I worked, a lot. I am still working a lot, apparently Lenscrafters thinks they own me, so they can call me to work whenever, even though I've already worked 8 hours a day, apparently they think I need to work more.

I'm being stalked by a customer at Lenscrafters, not so much fun. It's kinda creepy. Good thing I'm only there on the weekends! [well, not really I guess, see above]. Hopefully he'll get the point when I tell him off the next time he calls, since I've been given permission by my managers to be mean to him, even though he's a customer.

We're having a party, so great, now we have a little more work to do.. but it's all in the goal of having fun, so it will work out.

For now, I really need to go to bed, so I can get up and go to another boring day of work for the Feds. Have I mentioned lately that my job is really boring? Really, really boring?? Well, it is. I have to give myself projects to do. That's kinda bad.

I promise that tomorrow I will have something witty and brilliant to say about the state of culture and the world. But for tonight I am giving up on being awake.