Monday, May 23, 2005

I Don't Have Time to Write This Post..

but of course I am anyways. I feel the need to complain about the morons we are renting from. Apparently none of them took 1st grade math, nor do they understand student loans or real estate. I seriously doubt the intelligence level of everyone I've spoken to at this complex so far.

So why the heck are you renting from them, you ask? Well since it took them 2 weeks to approve us, we stopped looking at places and we need to be out of our apartment by the 5th. Hence the proverbial rock and a hard place.

What makes it even better is that they don't allow people to move in on holidays, so I have to take time off from a job I just started to move all my stuff in a half a day. This is going to be great! Have I mentioned how much I love moving? Or the fact that I own a lot [really a lot] of stuff?

This being said, anyone in the DC metro area with some free time on Friday, I could use some help moving. I promise to feed you, and not just cheap pizza!! Pretty please??

Thursday, May 19, 2005

This is how liberty dies—with thunderous applause

And so a movie is cursed with bad dialogue. The most glaring example of typical bad Star Wars dialogue:

Anakin "You're so beautiful"
Padme "That's because I am so in love"
Anakin "No, it's because I am so in love with you"
Padme "So, love has made you blind?"
Anakin "That's not what I meant"

Blech!!! Even a soap opera could have done better than that! I will say that the dialogue gets much better at the end when Obi Wan confronts Anakin. It's the most realistic in the entire movie.

Obviously the best part of the movie is the special effects, I am particularly fond of the Yoda fight scenes.

I need to see the movie again to do a more in depth anaylsis, but I have to scrounge up $10 first. So if anyone wants to help me out and find me a boot leg copy, I will love you for the rest of my life. [note: life estate]


It never fails that the night before I have to take a picture that will haunt me for the rest of my life that I go out too late and the resulting picture is less than pretty. But today was different! I showed up to work after getting 3 1/2 hours of sleep because we went to see Star Wars last night [I promise, review to follow]. So of course I was not expecting a great picture on my ID badge that I have to wear for the next three months. But my picture turned out nice! I'm actually not afraid to show my ID to people now! Go figure!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Look Out! It's the Feds!

So after 2 days of serving time with my summer employer, the federal government, I would like to say 1. It is scary that I have to stare at George W. every morning when I walk through security. 2. Now I know why everything having to do with the government moves very slowly.

I spent 4 hours monday morning at "orientation" which was geared towards new employees, so I tuned out for about 3 1/2 hours, then I was fingerprinted and sheparded into more buildings with the same beautiful pictures of W. I then promptly experienced the "We don't have your paperwork, come back in 3 days" part of the government. So for now I am a visitor and have to be escorted into the building, it's fun let me tell you.

Since they don't have any work for me to do yet I am working my way through a six inch binder of "orientation materials." It's educational [boring]. Hopefully next week they'll have something for me to do so getting up at 7 a.m. is actually worth the sleep deprivation. [see thursday's post to find out whether or not I actually make it to work after seeing Star Wars tomorrow night.]

Kids These Days...

What has happened to the world these days? There isn't any need for animosity on blogs! We're all good natured people, and as long as you have a sense of humor, no one gets hurt. We all poke fun at each other and respond in the like. Certain people shouldn't take our comments the wrong way or appoint themselves blog police. It's just wrong.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Only in Texas...

Would a law against sexually suggestive cheerleading be proposed and then defeated. At least Texans know what they want. The best part was the state representative that said sexually suggestive cheerleading is a distraction that results in pregnancies, dropouts and the contraction of AIDS and herpes. I'd like to see the flow chart that explains that.

Cheerleading ---> pregnancy/AIDS/dropping out of school.

There seem to be a few steps missing. Like most Texans, the state legislature seems to be missing the analysis part of law making/declaring war etc.

I Love the Simpsons

First we get a crack about middle school Medevial Fairs [been there done that]. Then a shot at Bush, and then the rest of the time is devoted to taking down Catholics and 80's hair bands. I love it! Once you go Vatican you can't go back again! Pious Riot! There is no better TV than the Simpsons. Sadly it was the season finale, and now I have to watch repeats and stupid Fox specials all summer. :(

The Family Guy could use a little help, so far the 5 minute long fight with a big yellow chicken is not so funny. The best part is they keep showing ads for the new Star Wars movie. 3 days left!!! Ooh, OK Family Guy got better when they added the Star Wars ceremony at the end. Just goes to show you. Star Wars makes everything better.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Summer '05 Booklist... TBA

I've decided that I should keep my brain cells active during the summer, and since I will have a pretty long Metro ride every day to and from work I will have an opportunity to catch up on actually reading books for fun.

I'm trying to finish Bill Clinton's biography right now. Yes I have had it since it came out, the day it came out to be exact. And yes, I have only managed to read half of it in a year. It is a really long book!

After that I'm going to need to find something to take up my time until the new Harry Potter book comes out.

Anybody have any suggestions?

[side note, I spend too much time with my laptop. As I sit here I can tell that my wireless card is freaking out because I can hear it before the symbol on my desktop tells me the signal is out. That's sad]

Headbanger's Ball Sucks

OK, being somewhat of a metal fan, I am highly disappointed by the "new & improved" Headbanger's Ball, which of course is on MTV2, which like MTV has stopped playing actual music videos 75% of the time.

It's just wrong that a kid with a buzz cut so short he looks bald hosts Headbanger's Ball. If you can't headbang with the best of them, you shouldn't be the host. Granted, the original host, Ricky Somebody or Other didn't have long hair, but at least he had some hair! Plus most of the hour is commercials for cheesy metal CDs. It's pathetic.

What's bad is that a lot of metal they're showing is very pop. You shouldn't be able to understand the words of a Megadeath song. It should be screaming and growling and bass. WTF is going on with the Gods of Metal? Do I have to go get Ozzy to tell you how to do it right?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Summer '05: Things Accomplished

Supreme Court.... check
Botanical Gardens.... check
Walk a mile.... check

Supreme Court tour: kinda boring unless you're 10 and really interested in the Supreme Court. I could've used the law student version of the lecture instead of the "How many branches of the government are there and where are they located?" You didn't really learn anything you couldn't get from reading Closed Chambers or any of the other books written by former clerks. But all in all it was nice to at least see the courtroom and hear a little bit about the architecture. I wasn't too awed by the building, maybe it's just because we really didn't see much, you're limited to the courtroom and some hallways, no chambers or private areas. I'm sure it's more exciting when there are arguments going on. Maybe I'll have to go back on a monday when they release decisions, at least I'll get to see a justice or two then.

Botanical Gardens: pretty cool, they've got lots of fun plants and flowers, but most had bloomed already, I'm sure it was much nicer earlier in the spring, but it was interesting to see all the different plants and some rare species. Plus it smelled like lillies. Always a bonus.

Walking a mile: yeah, we walked a lot today, but it's good for you. Guess I'll have to try to get out during lunch and walk around the mall for some exercise since I'll be taking the Metro to work and it drops me off 2 blocks away. I'm also going to have to get used to being somewhere by 8:30 in the morning. That may be pretty hard, class didn't even start that early this year! But I will get some reading done, taking the Metro to work this week has gotten me further through Bill Clinton's biography than I've read since I got the book the day it came out! It's a really long book! Plus reading law books for hours on end makes you really not want to read anything else.

OK so what's next for Summer '05 you ask? Midnight showing of Star Wars. Yes, I waited until today to buy tickets, but I still got them and we're going. That's wednesday though, I'm sure we can find something to do before then. What d'ya say guys?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Protest Anyone?

According to Wonkette, there will be a lovely protest against Tom DeLay on Thursday outside an event he will be attending. Here's the invite:

Lets Have Fun with Tom Delay's K Street Hilton Dinner on Thursday Night!
Please circulate to friends only!
no blogs - please!

Delay Protest 5/12/05 5:00pm 16th & K St, NW
Come in Carnival Outfit / Bring your own signs - help hand out soap for Delay supporters to clean up!

Sounds like fun! Anyone interested in dressing up like a clown and handing out soap? no? What else are you doing with your Thursday early evening!!!

Congrats to Uchenya & Joyce

Yeah! Rob & Amber did NOT win the Amazing Race! I'm glad. They could've been a lot nicer to their competitors and still won. There was no need for Rob to be a jackass during the entire show. And.. Uchenya & Joyce made it to the end, didn't have enough money for their cab and they didn't just run in, claim their prize and screw the cab over, they stuck around and begged for money so they could pay the cab driver! That is so ridiculously nice of them. I would've just left the guy, he was mean to them and cabs are normally a rip off anyways. I hope that Uchenya & Joyce find happiness with their money, they deserve it. [On a side note, the hick couple from the South really need to break up, their relationship is not healthy] Another side note, why do we have to be subjected to Rob & Amber's wedding? Is this a consolation prize for not winning but still being a couple owned by CBS? Wouldn't better publicity be helping Uchenya & Joyce adopt a child? Why do Rob & Amber get all the press when they lost??

Monday, May 09, 2005

Now That School Is Over...

.... I can't think straight. Silly me, I didn't follow my own advice and I had to write that last post twice because I figured I could just compose it in Blogger. Yeah, not so smart. Oh well, live and learn!

Where The Heck Have I Been???

It’s Monday, this is the first day I’ve been sober and/or not hung over. It’s a good feeling. So what’s happened in the past week? Let me recap….

Wednesday: Studied, a lot. Discovered I didn’t learn a damn thing about civil procedure this semester. Tried to do a practice exam in a chat room, since we were all too lazy to move our asses from our apartments. Wouldn’t recommend this as a productive studying tool. I am lucky my friends are still talking to me after that incident.

Thursday: Studied s’more, took a test, failed same test. Went to drown my sorrows in a drink. This was accomplished through the good will of my friend who has an apartment in Dupont, so we started drinking there about 7, margaritas, champagne, some quesadillas and fondue. What a better way to start off? I met some cool people that Really Big in Europe knows [RBiE]. Promised I would cook for them. [yes I was drunk, but I will cook for them. I enjoy throwing a good dinner party] Anyways, this little shindig was followed up by a trip to the school sponsored bar night. Yeah, remind me why we go to these things? It was a bunch of people trying to hook up [yes I am talking about you!!] and then a few drunken guys from our class who wanted to make sure that I didn’t hate them and the RBiE doesn’t hate them. Now normally, this would be fine. I am a forgiving person, if not for Friday. [see below] Anyways, so while I was reassuring these morons that I didn’t hate them I was having fun, they seemed to be genuinely interested in making sure that we had no reason to ignore each other in August. We got invited to another party Friday night, sounded interesting, being a good person I agreed to go. I drank for free the entire night, we had fun. Thursday was a good day.

Friday: It was cold, the previously made plans to go shopping in Georgetown turned into lunch at Café Asia to send L off to Bolivia and then some shopping at the mall. I’m pretty sure I didn’t buy anything. I was wishy washy about going to the party we got invited to last night, a. because I didn’t receive an “official” invite and b. I was tired. But I figured it would be rude to say you would go and then just not show up. So I got changed, put some effort into not looking like I really just wanted to go to bed and headed off to the party and hour and a half after it started. Ha… I should’ve taken that nap. I get to the party, I am guest #3. Then a bunch of law school bimbos walk in and I am suddenly stuck in a circle of blondes talking about their classmates, who I don’t know. Of course, all the “gentlemen” I was talking to the night before didn’t say one word to me at this party and sequestered themselves on the balcony, like the little frat boys they are. Why didn’t I make the first move you ask? Well, here’s how I look at it, in my world that lives by the rules of Martha Stewart, when you are the host of a party, you say hello to your guests, make sure they have everything they need and that no one is left out. Apparently these rules do not apply to frat boys. I was confused, since there wasn’t a $5 fee and a plastic cup at the door, I thought that people would actually be social. Silly me.

Friday was rescued by RBiE & the anonymous person who picked the name of this website [btw, you need a better nickname than that, so pick one and let me know] when we went to another school sponsored boozefest. We met up with el Diablo & his fun friend who works at the Capitol, always a good time. We drank, partially for free, talked about how we hate people we go to school with and just chillaxed. And no one looked at me weird when I wanted to go home early [well, at least that I could see].

Saturday: yeah, work. I love work. I love the people that I work with. And I loooove crazy customers, the best are the ones that talk to themselves in a very redneck, hick accent. So of course, since I love work so much, the best way to cap off that day would be more drinking and the Kentucky Derby is the perfect excuse! Yeah, we missed the actual derby, but partaking in the aftermath was interesting enough. Aforementioned frat boys were present, still not a word out of their mouths, but at least the host of this party plays by the rules. He was nice and greeted everyone. I got to talk about Star Wars, eat some pecan pie and drink a lot of vodka tonics. Since the derby party was losing its appeal we went to meet up with RBiE’s friends in Adams Morgan, got lost on the way to the bar [I was NOT in charge of directions], found out where the zoo was while we we’re lost, finally found the bar, discovered I drank too much before we got there and once again, went home early. [yes, I am old] But, I would like to say that RBiE’s friend and her friend are fun, and I promise next time I will not drink before we go out and therefore will be more coherent and not whining about getting a cab the entire time we’re out. But I do promise to remain critical of 50 somethings wearing shirts that are only appropriate for 16 year olds to wear.

Sunday: Ok no drinking on Sunday, only some more work, even more fun involved, since I was pretty hung over. It’s a bad sign when you just decide to walk around without your glasses since they are giving you a headache and no matter how many lattes you drink you still can’t wake up. Some grocery shopping, a guilt laden phone call to mom, happy mother’s day, then some people came over to watch great Sunday night TV. Yeah for Family Guy. I approve.

That brings us to today, we finally found an apartment, hopefully. Went to lunch at a whorish hamburger joint to send some people on their way home, went shopping in Old Town, I love the Gap Outlet, I don’t love the walking involved. Next time I am being lazy and driving. Also, I am a moron, I have a Banana Republic gift card that I’ve had since Xmas, bought some stuff today at Banana Republic. Did I use the gift card that was sitting in my purse? Nope. Hope RBiE won’t mind a re-gifted gift card for her B-Day.

All in all, I have to say it was a fun time. I’ve learned a few lessons, like don’t waste my time, frat boys are only good for free drinks and cab rides, not for life long friends. I also learned that I have high expectations, which could be good or bad. And I learned that I have great friends! Yeah, we’re done with school and now we can have some fun! [although temporarily free fun, since going out this weekend has busted the bank and the paychecks haven’t started rolling in from work yet!]

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Thank You... the tourist who gave me her leftover Metro ticket this morning with $9 still on it. You're making me re-think my opinion of tourists.

... to my crazy contracts professor for picking a problem that was neither clearly governed by the UCC or the common law, forcing me to make up an answer.

... to my lovely friends for going out and relaxing for a few minutes before the craziness begins again - which led to this list being created, an addition to the Summer '05 list, there may be some duplicates!
  • Taste of Arlington
  • Eat some crab in Maryland
  • Tour of the Supreme Court, Capitol, White House
  • Trip to the harbor in Baltimore
  • July 4th on the mall
  • Trip to Madrid
  • Trip to Las Vegas
  • Trip to Great Falls
  • Play Spin the Bottle
  • Wine Tasting
  • Dance Lessons
  • Movies on the mall
  • whitewater rafting on the Potomac
  • Watch Ravens football training
  • Baseball game
  • Spa day while drinking Mojitos
  • Really Big in Europe's birthday, complete with stand in for Really Big in Europe since she won't be here
  • Tour of a generic historic building
  • Eat chinese food in China Town
  • Hookah lounge
  • Eat ethnic food in Adams Morgan
  • Ghost tour
  • Go out on a boat
  • Eat fresh seafood

Monday, May 02, 2005

A Worrisome State of Affairs

The Supreme Court has decided to hear the challenge to the Solomon Amendment. Why isn't that a good thing you ask?

Well, here's the problem, normally it would be great for the Supreme Court to hear this case [and strike down this ridiculous law] except for the fact that A. the Supreme Court is pretty conservative these days B. It's a time of war and do you really think the Court is going to decide against the military? C. Rehnquist is on his way out, in fact I'm willing to put money on a retirement announcement by the end of June. That gives W plenty of time to find some right wing wacko conservative to replace him.

So in this instance, it would've just been better if they had denied cert. Then the decision by the 3rd Circuit would stand and law schools could feel free to kick the military recruiters off campus and we wouldn't have to play nice with a bunch of bigots for federal funding.

To see why we should all be concerned about this, here is my very uneducated and uninformed synopsis of the Solomon Amendment:

Sec. 983(b) of the Solomon Amendment says that schools, or subunits of school (like law schools) who restrict military recruiters from campus or don't give students' personal information to military recruiters will not be given federal money, including student financial aid money, from the Departments of Defense, Labor, Health & Human Services, Education, or their related agencies. Fun thing is, even if the law school protested, the whole university would lose its federal funding, not just the law school.

The military has a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which effectively prevents gay, lesbian and bi-sexual citizens from serving our country.

The Association of American Law Schools requires that law schools have a non-discrimination policy which protects faculty, staff & students from discrimination based on sexual orientation.

This policy requires law schools to ensure that employers recruiting on campus abide by the same non-discrimination policy. It also requires the schools to investigate any complaints from students about employers who do not abide by the policy.

Obviously the Solomon Amendment and the AALS don't get along and it's putting law schools in a tough spot. My school is fighting the good fight, they joined the FAIR law suit challenging the act which resulted in the 3rd Circuit decision holding the amendment unconstitutional.

So now we wait for the proverbial game of chicken, what is the Supreme Court going to do?!?

Anticipatory Repudiation

That's right folks, I am repudiating in anticipation. Anticipation of what you ask? I anticipate that I will fail my contracts exam tomorrow. After re-organizing, cross-referencing, tabbing and highlighting my 20 page outline I still don't know how I'm going to write about 1 freakin' question for an hour and a half tomorrow. Me, the queen of brevity. I am simply not able to write more than an hour's worth of garbage before I give up. At that point I normally take pity on the professor that has to read this crap and just start putting my answer into outline form. Why make them suffer? Wonder if I could convince my contracts professor that me just not showing up tomorrow is really an efficient breach and it would save both of us a lot of time.

Now civil procedure on Thursday is going to be a completely different story. I don't like that professor so I am going to ramble on and on about the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and about how not all of your Constitutional rights are absolute. It's just an illegal search, give me a break! Wonder how many thinly veiled insults I can work into a 3 hour exam?

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Most Unproductive Way to Spend Your Sunday...

A. Go to work for 6 hours, do nothing but help people exchange or return stuff. [read: no commission]

B. While at work, inform your manager you found a job for the summer, so you're back to working just weekends, lose aforementioned promotion. :( [Note: this of course means that I am NOT losing the ridiculous amount of responsibility I was supposed to take on with that promotion, only the benefits.]

B. Load up on carbs for dinner [read: bread & pasta for dinner, with a "healthy" helping of cheese on both"]

C. Convincing yourself you should really drink that bottle of merlot in your wine rack, even though you don't like merlot, just so you don't have to move it in a month [Note: this kind of "convincing" will get me into trouble over the next week as I have a ton of junk food in my cupboards that it seems silly to move!]

D. Devoting your night to said bottle of merlot and Fox's animation extravaganza. [I'll have reviews later]

E. Resolving to pretend like you are not a student for one night, therefore the words Civ Pro, Contracts and outlines are forbidden. [Note: tomorrow is not going to be much fun]